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Production & Hosting 3D Model

Cloud Access
Spotscale Web Tools:

The Inspect feature allows you to move around your building and view it from any angle. You can zoom in on the details to identify cracks or specific needs for renovation or zoom out to see the full capture. Use your mouse or fingers to move around the model. On a touch device you can pinch to zoom in or out, double tap to transport yourself to a new part of the model, or drag one finger to rotate or two fingers to pan the model.
Easy to measure every detail in 3D, measure distance, area and volume to get instant accurate results. All measurements are available in Metric or Imperial. Your measurements are also transferred and displayed onto the underlying photographs.

The Spotscale viewer allows you to get an up to date visual record of your building that is easy to access for multiple people working on your building. The information becomes accessible for anyone – just one click away.
3D Annotate
You can easily annotate important info, attach visual notes in 3D about work or changes that need to be made.
The annotated information is saved with your building record and can be accessed by anyone with the link and corresponding access-rights.

Quantity take-offs (QTO) analyze and quantify your building assets, facades, windows, doors etc and get instant reports listing all your relevant assets.

Thermal & Roof Inspection
Our unique 3D Thermal models make it easy to inspect large properties for energy leakage. We make it possible to see what the eye cannot see. This can be heat leakage or cooling leakage. This is a valuable tool to find areas for renovation and estimate the required cost for retrofit and damage control.
You can easily modify your building with our online tool to show new concepts or visualize changes. You can “bulldoze” areas that will make room for new improvements and easily visualize and share proposed changes to the property.

Enhance - BIM
Add BIM objects to your 3D model to conceptualize and share changes and additions. This is an easy and affordable way to show your ideas on a conceptual stage.
Work from anywhere. Get cloud access to your assets, always available, and compare high-quality data insights over time.